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Mathdoc’s publications can be classified into several categories: texts written by Mathdoc team members which have been published in scientific journals or magazines for the general public, presentation materials from seminars and conferences, and technical reports and reference texts. The most recent publications are presented on this page. The complete list of works produced by Mathdoc members is on HAL.


Texts that have been published in scientific or popular journals and books:

Mathdoc, des projets et des défis pour la communauté mathématique

Evelyne Miot

Gazette des Mathématiciens, 2022, 172, pp.55-57

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Le centre Mersenne pour l’édition scientifique ouverte

Thierry Bouche, Evelyne Miot, Célia Vaudaine

Gazette des Mathématiciens, 2018, 155, pp.76-78

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The New Numdam Platform

Thierry Bouche, Olivier Labbe

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017, CICM: International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 10383, pp.70-82. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.581405⟩

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Presentation materials

Materials from presentations made at seminars, conferences and study days:

PLM Shift

Philippe Besnier

Journées Mathrice - RNBM - Groupe Calcul, Mathrice; Mathdoc; RNBM; Groupe Calcul, Mar 2024, Grenoble, France

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Evelyne Miot

Journées Mathrice - RNBM - Groupe Calcul, Mathrice; Mathdoc; RNBM; Groupe Calcul, Mar 2024, Grenoble, France

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Catalogue Fusionné des Périodiques de Mathématiques

Céline Smith

Journées Mathrice - RNBM - Groupe Calcul, Mathrice; Mathdoc; RNBM; Groupe Calcul, Mar 2024, Grenoble, France

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