
National Documentary Coordination Unit for Mathematics

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Mathdoc is a French support and research unit with a national focus, supervised by CNRS Mathematics – INSMI and the Université Grenoble Alpes. Since its foundation in 1995, it has been providing documentation and publishing services for the mathematical community in its broadest sense: researchers, documentalists, academic publishers, laboratories. To this end, Mathdoc aims to develop the following programs:

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Numdam, the French digital mathematics library

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The centre Mersenne, a comprehensive publishing infrastructure with diamond open access

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CFP, combined catalog of mathematical periodicals for members of the RNBM network

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Portail Math, point of access to a panel of digital services

The latest news

Numdam is enriched with three new collections: Femmes & math : 1996–2010, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D : 2014–2023, Journées mathématiques X-UPS : 1991-2022...
The RNBM General Assembly takes place in Strasbourg on Friday 15 December. The work of the various WGs is presented, including that of the Co-CFP,...
Mathdoc is a partner in the Linked User-driven Multidisciplinary Exploration Network (LUMEN) project, a project for the development of scientific publication and data platforms crossing...

Job offers

The software engineering expert manages the centre Mersenne projects in one or more phases of the software development life cycle, in compliance with current standards,...
This position is part of the ramp-up of the Geodesic project. The documentalist will participate in the development of Numdam and Geodesic, within the documentation...
The LaTeX copy editor will be responsible for the layout and technical compliance of scientific articles written using the LaTeX scientific layout software, the prepublication...