The LiNuM (Livres Numériques Mathématiques) project for digital mathematical books, first introduced in January 2002, is a virtual library of books digitised by international partners with metadata harvested by Mathdoc to allow browsing through all the collections via a single search interface. Data from some 2,850 books were therefore collected from the following sources:
- Gallica collection - Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Mathematics collections - Bibliothèque numérique patrimoniale de l'université de Strasbourg
- Mathematics collections - Bibliothèque numérique patrimoniale de l'université de Lille
- Collection of digitised old books - Bibliothèque numérique de l'École polytechnique
- AMS eBook Collections - American Mathematical Society
- MSRI Book Series - Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
- Digital Math Books Collection - Cornell University Library
- Making of America Collection - Michigan University Library
- Historical Math Collection - Michigan University Library
- Mathematica Kollektion - Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum
- Digitale Collections - Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
- Biblioteka Wirtualna Matematyki - Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Biblioteca Nacional Digital - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal