Created in 2005 and discontinued in late 2017, the Centre for the Publication and Dissemination of Mathematical Academic JournalsCedram / Centre d’Édition et Diffusion des Revues Académiques de Mathématiques (Cedram) was a platform offering access to scientific mathematical journals, including both open-access and restricted-access journals. The service aimed to achieve the highest standards of electronic publishing in its production and dissemination activities. While the content was searchable in open access after a period of restriction referred to as a “mobile barrier” from 2005 to 2017, all content immediately became open access in 2017. Cedram was replaced by centre Mersenne in 2018.
- Production of paper and electronic booklets using pdfLaTeX
- Automatic extraction and XML / MathML standardisation of metadata from LaTeX articles
- Digital distribution and listing of articles on the journal website
- Listing articles in the shared Cedram portal
- Listing articles on an OAI server
- Assignment of DOI
- Publishing support (RUCHE then OJS)
- Integration of complete retrospective collections from Numdam
- Deposit of recent articles into Numdam for archiving and long-term access
Other services
Graphic charter: each journal received a specific graphic charter, developed with the journal’s editor, on a dedicated server.
OAI-PMH server: the metadata for the articles were searchable via an OAI-PMH server.
Search engine: full text searches could be carried out on the journals’ servers and the Cedram portal by title, author, date and bibliography. It was also possible to browse through the journals.
Cedram story
The decision to create a publishing and dissemination centre for mathematics journals in Grenoble was made in 2005 following meetings bringing together all the heads of French journals, learned societies and representatives of mathematics from the Ministry of Research and the CNRS.
This centre was organised by Mathdoc in collaboration with the Annales de l’Institut Fourier, a high-level mathematics journal published in Grenoble. It drew on Mathdoc’s experience in electronic publishing, which it gained by implementing the Numdam programme, and the experience of the Annales de l’Institut Fourier in traditional publishing and dissemination. It primarily targeted French mathematics journals supported by CNRS.
The purpose of this project was to provide a high-quality digital alternative to paper publishing as well as to increase the visibility and impact of journals (electronic publishing on a shared server; management, promotion and exchange of paper subscriptions).
2018: Cedram scaled up to become centre Mersenne for open scientific publishing.
2017: full content of Cedram journals become accessible in open access; integration of three new journals.
2016: 9 journals, 1 book, 7 proceedings and seminars; start of AIFs being migrated to OJS; about 8,000 articles (180,000 pages) are published on; 200 articles are published online per year (6,000 pages).
2015: Publications Mathématiques de Besançon – Algèbre et Théorie des nombres are added to Cedram; addition of Winter Braids Lecture Notes from courses given at the Winter Braids school.
2014 : Journal de l’École polytechnique (return with a new series on mathematics); integration of a book by Michèle Audin: historical book pertaining mainly to Julia seminar, for which she retyped and annotated all the texts; preliminary work to launch the SMAI-Journal of Computational Mathematics.
2013: start of the publication of the Confluentes Mathematici journal; Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications, edited by IHES and École Polytechnique, is a continuation of the Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles.
2009: launch of proceedings and lecture notes from CIRM, Actes et Cours des Rencontres du CIRM (Luminy, UMS822 CNRS/SMF).
2008: launch of MathS in Action (new journal from SMAI).
2006: launch of Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, and two sets of conference proceedings entitled Actes des Équations aux dérivées partielles (École polytechnique, UMR 7640) and Actes du séminaire de Théorie spectrale et géométrie (Grenoble, UMR 5582).
2005: Cedram established. Start of online publication of three journals: Annales de l’institut Fourier (AIF), Annales mathématiques Blaise-Pascal (AMBP) and Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse (AFST).
See the documents produced by Mathdoc about Cedram.