

mathdoc cellule coordination documentaire math contact 3 1

Founded in 1995, Mathdoc, the National Documentary Coordination Unit for Mathematics, is a support and research unit (UAR 5638) based in Grenoble, France, with two trusteeships: CNRS Mathematics – INSMI and the Université Grenoble Alpes.

Our services

Mathdoc’s main objective is to supply IT resources for structuring a documentation in mathematical research in France, with a national focus and a unique mission.

Mathdoc provides documentation and publishing services for the mathematical community in its broadest sense: researchers, documentalists, academic publishers, laboratories… such as


To develop Open Science, Mathdoc collaborates and maintains relationships with various partners on a national scale:

  • Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (Abes)
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)
  • Comité pour la science ouverte (CoSO)
  • Collex-Persée
  • Mir@bel
  • Réseau national des bibliothèques de mathématiques (RNBM)
  • Mathrice

mathdoc cellule coordination documentaire open access

Mathdoc is also involved in international projects for digital mathematical libraries. Namely, Mathdoc is a member of the EuDML initiative: the European Digital Mathematics Library, and it’s a historical partner of the zbMATH Open database. It has strong links with the learned societies of the mathematical field.


The unit is led by mathematicians. Mathdoc’s team is composed of editors, LaTeX layout designers, developers (IT development and system & network administration), documentalists and an administrative and financial manager. Mathdoc also relies on the expertise of its scientific council members, composed of mathematicians from a wide range of fields, and on a core team dedicated to scientific events.


Progress of all activities and projects carried out by the UAR can be monitored through publications in scientific or general reviews, presentations held during seminars and conferences, or by the technical reports written by Mathdoc members. The technical reports, produced every four years, account for the activities of the past years and provide details of future projects