Numdam now has two collections of theses:
- the Thèses d’Orsay (1971-2012), resulting from the cooperation between the Bibliothèque mathématique Jacques Hadamard (BJH) and Mathdoc initiated in 2015;
- the Thèses de l’entre-deux guerres, for which we have added an introductory text written by Catherine Goldstein.
Links to files digitized by Gallica have also been added for the years 1836 to 1945 of the Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.
As far as natively digital acquisitions are concerned, the 2018 volumes for the publications of EDP Sciences, EMS Press and for the Publications Mathématiques de l’IHÉS are also now available.
Finally, the first 4 volumes of Confluentes Mathematici have been added to Numdam, as well as the other mathematics journals of the Mersenne Center until 2022.